scare|scared|scares|scaring in English


[sker /skeə]

frighten, alarm; spook, terrify

Use "scare|scared|scares|scaring" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "scare|scared|scares|scaring" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "scare|scared|scares|scaring", or refer to the context using the word "scare|scared|scares|scaring" in the English Dictionary.

1. From visual scares and predator decoys to Bird gels and ultrasonic devices, each of our Bird-scaring products repels pests naturally, providing long-term results.

2. —used for emphasis after words like scare, frighten, and beat That movie scared the Bejesus out of me

3. Scares the enemy.

4. You're scaring the other customers.

5. A super-intense Scaring competition!

6. Lower your light, you're scaring it.

7. Bird scaring line aerial coverage length (m)

8. The prospect of failure scares me rigid.

9. He scares people away by being so brash.

10. Scare alone and dolorous, but scare much more to plustoghter.

11. Leighton Flowers Scares a Bible thumping Wingnut

12. Pete's attitude towards women really scares me.

13. Because she's an agoraphobe who scares me.

14. But that uncle of yours scares me.

15. Why come here scaring everyone with your altar boy?

16. Don't scare me!

17. These food safety scares happen from time to time.

18. Racial quotas and protectionism are scaring away some foreign investors.

19. You're not scared?

20. Daddy, I'm scared.

21. By treading lightly, he can avoid scaring his prey.

22. My heart scares you, and a gun doesn't?

23. Because it scares the living piss outta me!

24. And you're not scaring me out of my own house.

25. And it scares you, and it frightens you.